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Second Chance Animal Rescue and Sanctuary
Second Chance Animal Rescue and Sanctuary
This new payment option has been fantastic! I think everyone we have sent the adoption link to has accepted to pay an additional donation. We can't thank you enough for this!
Fences For Fido
Fences For Fido
01 - 08/29/2024

Today, Charlie is recovering and living with her new family in Portland---the very same people who watched over her that night when she was injured and afraid. It's easy to imagine that Charlie's first guardian, Janine, was looking over her with angel wings on that fateful night when serendipity brought Charlie together with her new family just in time to save her life.

Thanks go out to everyone who made this happy ending possible, including @petstablished, which donated the microchips for the spay/neuter clinic.

Forever Fortunate Felines
Forever Fortunate Felines
0 - 12/01/23
We started using Petstablished adoption fee processing for the past one month on a trial basis. We have seen many people leave an extra $50 or $100, so it is powerful! You will see an uptick in our donations this past month if you check our account.
Malinois and Dutch Shepherd Rescue
Malinois and Dutch Shepherd Rescue
We are always grateful for the work that you and your team do to help us and so many other organizations. The Petstablished platform allows us to focus on the work at hand without spending extra time on data management.
Finders Keepers Cat Rescue
Finders Keepers Cat Rescue
We are loving the microchip program through Petstablished. It's been instrumental with our rescue's goals and we've been able to establish a microchip clinic offering to our community as a result.
Connecticut Rescue Org
Connecticut Rescue Org
Your system is spectacular! We get complimented all the time from adopter's vets in particular as to how great our records are. Your system makes it so easy! We know exactly how many kittens and mamas we have at any given time. How many available to adopt, how many not ready yet so easily. And the microchips too already registered so our adopters don't have to do a thing. Seriously grateful for all you do!
Connecticut Rescue Org
Connecticut Rescue Org
We register the microchips and they automatically update to adopter’s information at adoption with us as secondary contact to avoid ever having this issue. Petstablished has a wonderful database that links pet data, bios, medical records, applications, and microchips. So even if adopters lose the paperwork we can immediately send a link to copies. Bios automatically load to other pet websites when you move the kittens from foster hold when they are ready to go home. Until then we showcase on Facebook. It takes time in data entry which takes time from other activities but so worth it!
Georgia Rescue Org.
Georgia Rescue Org.
...I am LOVING the software as we are really starting to use it more and get our fosters involved in keeping pets updated. I'm starting to use the medical records and love the reminders! We had our first application through the software last week and it was not only flawless, it was AWESOME!!
Georgia Rescue Org
Georgia Rescue Org
“We really love the program!  It’s been so helpful to us already…”
Texas Rescue Org.
Texas Rescue Org.
“...I love the program…”
Virginia Rescue Org.
Virginia Rescue Org.
“...We really like what we seen of your services so far.”
Pennsylvania Rescue Org.
Pennsylvania Rescue Org.
...I’ve worked with rescues all over the country since 1989, and this is the best thing I’ve ever seen. "This is a Godsend!
Bunny Buddies Inc.
Bunny Buddies Inc.
The nonprofit I work with, Bunny Buddies Inc (a house rabbit rescue organization here in Houston), decided to move over to Petstablished a few months ago. Since making the switch, we've been able to process an increased number of adoptions while enjoying its user-friendly UX. Thanks to Petstablished, we now have a seamless integration across multiple data points such as our adoptions, contacts, donors, foster families, and more. We're now in the process of scaling down our use of other costly platforms because Petstablished offers equivalent capabilities at no cost! And any cost - no matter how small - is a big deal when it comes to animal rescue operations. But, by far the best thing about Petstablished has been its customer service. I email Melissa at least once a week with a new question or suggestion, and she is always quick to respond and happy to help. Just when I think I must annoy her with my endless questions, she asks what else she can help with and how our rabbits are doing. It's not just about us using her product. She truly cares, and it means a lot. For any other animal welfare organizations reading this, I recommend looking into Petstablished!
Back Roads Animal Rescue
Back Roads Animal Rescue
We do enjoy the software and it is how we track all of the animals we take in. Thank you!
ACTS Animals Called To Service
ACTS Animals Called To Service
"...We love Petstablished. It has been the best thing that has happened to our program."
TLC Fosters NP
TLC Fosters NP
"...Petstablished has changed the way we do business and we LOVE it.  I would love to be a reference for any new organizations considering using your products. I don't miss dragging around paper and trying to get all of the info to the adopters."  
California Rescue Org
California Rescue Org
“I have to tell you that I love the software!  I think it will work brilliantly for what we need, and I also love the microchipping options because of the discounts that you provide, and it helps get all our dogs microchipped.”
Virginia Rescue Org.
Virginia Rescue Org.
“I just wanted to thank you for such an incredibly quality product. We just changed to your software and it's been an incredible experience. We are now adding our historical data and are going to begin using your microchips. All in all, a wonderful experience for us. Thank you, thank you!!!”
Zoo Crew
Zoo Crew
Thank you. And highest gratitude to Bissell for helping us. No one ever truly realizes the out of pocket groups, fosters, etc actually spend. These discounts are huge. Bless you and you all for looking out for us. I'm hoping to try the new wet/dry mop soon, I go through atleast 1 a year. (Power mop). Bissell Rocks.
Connecticut Rescue Org.
Connecticut Rescue Org.
"...very happy to be able to use this.  It's much easier and better than anything I've seen or used."
Multi-state Rescue Org.
Multi-state Rescue Org.
"OMG! I cannot tell you how much of a lifesaver this is going to be!"
Carolina Rescue Org.
Carolina Rescue Org.
"This is really awesome!...We have been researching software for two months.....I think this is going to help us move to the next level and to grow."
Boston, MA Rescue Org.
Boston, MA Rescue Org.
“'s better than anything else out there right now and were impressed…”
Boulder, CO Rescue Org.
Boulder, CO Rescue Org.
“love the site so far…”
Boulder, CO Rescue Org.
Boulder, CO Rescue Org.
“just wanted to share some early feedback about how impressed I am with the site! very easy to use. clean layout, nice features…”
Tennessee County Shelter
Tennessee County Shelter
“I love this.  I want you to hear that first….”
Mutt Hut Rescue
Mutt Hut Rescue
"We LOVE it!!! I love when one of the members has a question about a dog, I can say, 'Check Petstablished.' I seriously do not know how we survived before using it!!"
Georgia County Shelter
Georgia County Shelter
“”I think I’m gonna cry.  This is so awesome!”
SAFE St. Kitts
SAFE St. Kitts
"... I'm always blown away by how quickly your team responds to my emails and how helpful they always are. Petstablished is the best and I am grateful to your support staff for always being so reliable and courteous. "
Last Hope K9 Rescue
Last Hope K9 Rescue
"I absolutely love using petstablished! Its awesome and so easy to use."
Love At Lost Dog
Love At Lost Dog
"I am new to the software but I think it is awesome! It is also awesome that the software is free. Thank you for donating something that will make a huge difference to lots and lots of people and dogs!"
Humane Society of Terrell County, Georgia
Humane Society of Terrell County, Georgia
Myself and another volunteer with HSTC were almost overcome with emotions when we realized what Petstablished is going to do for our organization. Without an actual shelter, and simply a group/network of volunteers, this software is going to help us tremendously! We are so fortunate to be selected to beta test! Thank you thank you!!
Last Hope K9 Rescue
Last Hope K9 Rescue
I LOVE the new design of "View Public Profile" on the Manage menu!
Multi-state Rescue and Transport
Multi-state Rescue and Transport
“This is really wonderful, and I think it's going to help us a lot!"
St. Sophia's Forgotten Felines
St. Sophia's Forgotten Felines
"Anyways, we are LOVING this database and can't believe how much of a drastic improvement it is from our old system.  You all have an amazing support team and a great product."
Poodle and Pooch Rescue of Florida
Poodle and Pooch Rescue of Florida
"I just wanted to send along a huge thank you to all of your staff. PS (as we call it to shorten it) has made our lives so much easier. I can not say enough positive things about this software. It is designed for rescues/shelters and understands our needs. Change is difficult for some people. But the transition from our old out dated software to PS was amazing. The support then and now after we have been using it for several months is impeccable. If I email or call they always get back to me in a timely fashion and are always so friendly and helpful. PS is a breath of fresh air for us as a rescue and I would highly recommend anyone no matter how big or small your group is to make the switch. You will be happy you did. Thank you to everyone at Petstablished."
NYC Rescue Org
NYC Rescue Org
I just want to say first how thrilled I am so far with Petstablished…...You’ve been so responsive, you take so many suggestions, and we are more organized than we ever have been. I love it!
Multi-state Rescue Org
Multi-state Rescue Org
“...Your software has helped us more than I can put into words…”
Animal Rescue Mission
Animal Rescue Mission
I wanted to tell you how incredibly grateful we are for you and the Petstablished Database. Last year when I started helping ARM we didn't qualify for an enormous amount of grants because ARM didn't have a database and wasn't using Shelter Animal Manager. This year I have so many grants to apply for it's hard to even keep up!🎉😊😀 Thank you so much! We couldn't have done it without you.
Second Chance Animal Rescue of Windsor-Essex County
Second Chance Animal Rescue of Windsor-Essex County
We are loving the Petstablished program and services!
Stray Cat Project
Stray Cat Project
I always sing your company's praises on the animal welfare pages that I belong, especially Best Friends Network Partners. Your customer service is second to none and your platform so user-friendly. I make sure everyone knows!
Multi-state Rescue Org.
Multi-state Rescue Org.
“OMG! This program is gonna be my new best friend!
California Rescue Org
California Rescue Org
“Can I just say I love this program…!”
NY Rescue Org.
NY Rescue Org.
“...I am so excited! This is going to be an awesome resource!”
Minnesota Animal Control Org
Minnesota Animal Control Org
“So far I am quite pleased with the software, it is easy to navigate and has a nice flow to it. Thanks for all your help!”
Animal Rescue of Crosby County
Animal Rescue of Crosby County
This is a great program. We use it. Check it out. I signed us up a couple of years ago when they first started out. It has really been great and easy to use. We love the option of online applications plus you can upload and send copies of all their vet paperwork easily too.
South Bay Rabbit Rescue
South Bay Rabbit Rescue
South Bay Rabbit Rescue uses this software and it is amazing! Petstablished and BISSELL Pet Foundation is a win-win for us!
Sunshine's Friends Cat & Dog Rescue
Sunshine's Friends Cat & Dog Rescue
Wow! We've been "free for life" Petstablished users for years when we beta-tested the original version. It's versatile, easy to use, and the only tool needed to manage the animals in the shelter, medical records, adoptions, volunteers, donors, vets, microchips, etc. It pushes out adoptable pets daily to Petfinder,, and many others. Great customer service too! If you are an animal welfare organization that hasn't used Petstablished, we urge you to try it now.
Multi-State Rescue Org
Multi-State Rescue Org
Overall Petstablished is an amazing system. I love using it, and it's going to help our organization so much. I really want to thank you for helping us get set up with the program. Any rescue group I come into contact with, I discuss your product in hopes they will reach out to you to use it as well
Feline/Canine Friends, Inc.
Feline/Canine Friends, Inc.
"We just wanted to let you know that we love our Petstablished software! We are just in the beginning stages but so far we have found the documentation, explanation and program itself so user friendly! This software is going to be a game changer for our shelter! The amount of time that we will save and the ability we will now have to put everything into one place is going to make our jobs so much easier!"
Animals Called to Service
Animals Called to Service
"We love the software and it’s the best thing that’s happened to us! Not only has it helped us keep things organized, it’s user friendly too. Our adopters love it as well!"
Feline/Canine Friends, Inc.
Feline/Canine Friends, Inc.
"I am really impressed with both the software and the documentation for Petstablished. It is a pleasure to work with a program that is so user friendly and documentation that is both complete, easy to use and in different formats to accommodate different methods of learning. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!"
Michigan Rescue Org.
Michigan Rescue Org.
“Petstablished as not only decluttered the office! It has made us mobile, more efficient, lightened our load, and given us the ability to be more professional despite the fact that we are a small rescue. It has given us more time to do our jobs and save lives, and hasn't cost us our entire financial checkbook! From the sales team to the support staff they are professional, understanding, and have the same heart and drive we do! This was the scariest yet best decision and relationship that our organization ever made!”
DHM - Rescue Volunteer
DHM - Rescue Volunteer
The rescue I volunteer for uses this database. I highly recommend all rescues to check it out.
Loved At Last Dog Rescue
Loved At Last Dog Rescue
"I always recommend PE whenever I can. If you ever have potential customers that want to speak with a current customer feel free to send them to me and I'll tell them how amazing and helpful Petstablished is. Your support team is above and beyond what anyone can expect from a company."
Faith - Town and Country Humane Society
Faith - Town and Country Humane Society
"It has been working great and makes keeping track of when the dogs leave so much easier for me."
Oklahoma Shelter
Oklahoma Shelter
“We are making the move to PetStablished!”
Smitten By Kittens
Smitten By Kittens
I love it and think it's a great resource and repository, and I'm so happy that I clicked that sign-up link last Spring!
Furry Friends
Furry Friends
I originally thought that the process of conversion was going to be a nightmare, as most conversions are, however that was not the case. Having access to both systems while everything got loaded was great so there was no real drop dead date on having to move everything over. I liked that the contact list could be uploaded into the new system so that didn't need to be hand entered and I liked that any cats profile that was showing on petfinder could be loaded for us. The only part that was a little more time consuming was that the medical records couldn't be converted over, but that is understandable as the systems are so different, there would be no way to gather the information in the right format for that to happen. Although I loved the simplicity that ishelters offered and their customer service, I like a more all-in-one solution that helps shelter management operate more smoothly. I also like the options to customize most things in petstablished. (Although I really want to be able to customize the options under contacts, ie. foster, adopter, donor, etc.). Some of my favorite features are the adoption process and how easy it is to attach the application to the pet, hit adopt, pay the fee, sign the adoption contract, email medical records all over, and register the microchip, essentially with the click of a button. Way easier process than what we had to do before. I also really love the microchips, they are the smallest I have found on the market, universally read, easy to manage and register. The overall layout and flow of the system is very easy to use and navigate. I think as Petstablished rolls out with more customizable options, it will be super easy to tailor the system to each specific organization.
Illinois Rescue Org.
Illinois Rescue Org.
We are absolutely thrilled with your software. You have solved almost every problem we had as a rescue!
Molly's Kittens
Molly's Kittens
We are loving Petstablished so far. I’m very impressed with all of the resources you provide. We’ve already processed two adoptions through the program and find it so helpful and user friendly.
Virginia Veterinary Center
Virginia Veterinary Center
“This program has been very easy to work with and really has increased our adoptions.”
Illinois Rescue Org.
Illinois Rescue Org.
“We love the software!  It’s what we’ve been looking for for two years.”
Humane Society of Edmonson County
Humane Society of Edmonson County
"...We love Petstablished and have no plans to go anywhere...."
Loved At Last Dog Rescue
Loved At Last Dog Rescue
"Everyone at LALDR is loving how much easier things are with Petstablished and are amazed we ever functioned without it."
Furever Friends K9 Rescue
Furever Friends K9 Rescue
“Since we started with Petstablished, our rescue has gotten a lot more exposure and has grown leaps and bounds. People have started taking notice of our rescue and we've received sponsorships/donations that we’ve never had before. The fosters and adoption applications would have never happened without Petstablished. Petstablished has put us on the map and we’re really grateful.”
Eden Animal Haven
Eden Animal Haven
"Thank you, Susan, for the great customer service! That is definitely one of the many things we love about Petstablished!"
Foster Paws Rescue
Foster Paws Rescue
"You guys are always amazing but even more so when something goes wrong. The service we are provided is top notch and it definitely helps us feel so secure in using this system. Others have been brought before me for review and I tell them “Petstablished does all of this and more plus our microchips. And their people rock. Thanks but I’m sticking with them.” We couldn’t be more satisfied customers."
K9.5 Rescue
K9.5 Rescue
"I gave your name and email addy to a fellow rescuer in case she's interested in using Petstablished. I told her how much we were enjoying it... I’m not sure where they are with things but I suggested that Petstablished made it a lot easier. Heck, not transferring paperwork to 10 legs on a transport is the bomb! I love the adopter having access to records online. And when there’s an issue or question (and I think they’ll soon blackball me for asking for so much. Ha!), they’re always very nice to work something out and help."
Lakes Area Pet Society
Lakes Area Pet Society
"I love the new medical record system. Much easier to input multiple records from the same day and easy to understand for adopters."
Advocates for Abused and Abandoned Pets
Advocates for Abused and Abandoned Pets
"Petstablished has made it extremely easy to maintain accurate information on each of our pets - from intake through adoptions. Because we are so small, there is really only one person in A3P who manages the pet data. Having a reliable database that's user friendly, even for the technologically challenged, is important. The ability to link to external agencies that promote adoptions, such as Petfinder, takes a tremendous amount of pressure of trying to manage multiple databases. Also, being able to purchase, manage, and register microchips in the same database makes management of pet data a breeze."
Tanya Robinson, Adopter
Tanya Robinson, Adopter
It gives me such peace of mind to know if something should happen, my information will be readily available to anyone who finds my sweet boy. Chipping is such an easy/cheap way to keep track of our babies. I do not understand why more people don’t do it. Thank you so much for the service you provide!
Sophia L'Orange Kitten Rescue
Sophia L'Orange Kitten Rescue
Your software let us easily identify them as bonded, quickly review the applications as they came in, assign staff to do verifications, move the application through to virtual home visit and then approval and now mark them as pending adoption. At adoption they'll get an email with all their information, links to their medical records which include their neuters, testing results, vaccinations (with follow up dates notes) and general standard of care such as deworming and flea/tick/mites preventatives. As well as a link to their microchip which we've already registered. Your system allows us to do all that. We are so grateful!
Sophia L'Orange Kitten Rescue
Sophia L'Orange Kitten Rescue
Petstablished is so helpful. But not just in adoptions. Vets of our adopters have been complimenting our records, even our vets love them. It helps keep us organized, which as everyone knows in such a crazy kitten season is a must. Our board members all work in highly regulated industries, where if it wasn't documented there's no proof it actually happen; so to have a system they can rely on is key. Thank you.
Carolina Coonhound Rescue
Carolina Coonhound Rescue
“It’s the best system out there!  We always have other rescues contacting us about who we are using and how we like it, and we can’t help but rave about you guys. We love it. It’s an awesome program!”
Peanut Paws Rescue
Peanut Paws Rescue
I find Petstablished to be user friendly with great filtering capabilities. I like the tutorials and Recent Updates.
Bullies-N-Beyond ResQ, Inc.
Bullies-N-Beyond ResQ, Inc.
July 6, 2023
We love utilizing Petstablished for all of our rescue needs and always receive quick responses whenever we need any assistance. Thank you for continuing to benefit pets in need!